But, how is that wonderful piece of equipment improving your life? Today, we examine the five ways in which UTV Sprayers make your work just that much easier.
- Pressure Control: Booms are great, but how are you going to control them from the driver’s seat. Thankfully, recent upgrades in UTV Sprayer tech have put the boom controls at arm’s reach. Just look for the latest line of UTV Sprayers that come with easy adjustable booms. Never lift your butt again. Well, except to get out of the UTV.
- Tank Drainage: Make sure the base of that tank is on a slope. Nothing is harder than changing out a tank when the liquid chemicals don’t want to drain. Given the nature of this kind of work, you will often find yourself cleaning out a sprayer. Just make sure to get a proper tank drain system. At the end of a long, hard day…it will pay for itself.
- Resistance to Algae: Your Sprayer is going to sit in the Sun. 60% of tank walls are see-through. This means algae will develop, as the temperatures climb. Pick a tank with colors and opaqueness to help block out those UV rays. No one wants microscopic critters ruining a hard day’s work.
- Easy to Transport/Lift: Does Sprayer have forkable points? That means can a load lifter or support device easily help transport or adjust your Sprayer on-site? Would you be capable of lifting it yourself or with the aid of others? When you find a Sprayer that comes ready to transport, hop on it. There’s no reason to throw out your back.
- Sprayer Attachments: Boom attachments make your spraying efforts go so much farther. Many newer sprayers have attachments that can handle several devices at once.